Swapping Paint

Shane Van Gisbergen

David Sera Season 1 Episode 9

Shane Van Gisbergen started his motor racing career honing his skills on a quad bike around his farm at age 4. Fast forward a decade & SVG is setting the race track alight in New Zealand before receiving his first Supercars opportunity with Stone Bros Racing at 17.

Since then, we've seen SVG storm to a championship in 2016 with his current team Triple 8 Engineering, 35 race wins and 30 pole positions.

SVG has proven himself as one of the most versatile motor racing drivers in the world, competing in everything from Supercars, quarter midgets, drifting and GT racing in Australia & Europe.

We thank the Red Bull Racing Team for giving us access to chat to Shane during the lockdown.

To stay up to date with Shane's 2020 Racing season be sure to follow his social links:

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